Below you will find a variety of recorded audio trainings.
Once purchased, you will receive an email with immediate access to the file(s). All access is yours to keep for life!
Below you will find a variety of recorded programs and master trainings from Roxy. These are *not* live.
Once purchased, you will receive an email with immediate access to the recordings. All access is yours to keep for life!
$20k Months
Scale Your Business To Bring In $20k per Month!
If you're ready for sales on repeat in your business, new clients reaching out constantly, DAILY payment notifications, and thousands of dollars EVERY month rolling in from your own business, then you NEED this masterclass!
In this Training, we discuss:
💰 How to identify your Ideal Client Avatar so you can target the people who NEED your skills and talents.
💰How to create a scalable offer suite with signature offers.
💰 The secret to creating a powerful and neat backend system.
💰 Super dialed-in messaging that demonstrates your knowledge while letting your energy shine through.
💰 Creating a sales strategy to get your offers in front of people every single day.
...and more!
The $20K Months Masterclass REPLAY includes:
1.5+ Hr downloadable recording of the Master Class in both audio and video format.
Suite Offer Suite
Structure your business to bring in 5+ figures every month, predictably and on repeat!
If you want your business to bring in steady, predictable, and repeatable sales every single month in a passive and "easy" way...
If you want your business to provide time freedom so you don't have to work from the time you wake up until you go to bed...
If you want your business to attract an audience of your most ideal clients that join your offers and then sign again and again...
If you want to sell irresistible products that align with your truth and "get people to buy"...
...then you're probably exhausted from hustling and busting your ass every month to get sales, right?
That energy is NOT invited!
Let me help you revamp your biz NOW so that you can be dedicated to making your impact on the planet, and not spent in the chaos of constantly trying to get sales.
Download this training now and begin transforming your business into a profitable, freedom-providing empire!
This Master Class includes:
2+ Hr downloadable replay with lifetime access
Access to a private community of other like-minded entrepreneurs enrolled in the replay.
Membership to the Sweet Offer Suite space on the Roxy Talks Mighty Network where you can watch on the go through the app!
Love & Money
Learn to Manifest The 2 MOST DESIRED things in life!
We all want to be loved.
We all crave security and abundance.
But are you programmed to receive the kind of affection and the amount of wealth you truly desire?
Maybe it's easier to manifest one than the other.
Maybe BOTH are elusive to you.
Regardless of your current circumstances, YOU are destined for soul-rocking love and endless abundance... but how do you actually make it happen in real life?
How do you make that person worship the ground you walk on?
How do you make the money come when there's just never enough?
What does it feel like to be one of those people who seem to have it ALL?
That doting partner?
That enviable life?
Are you tired of asking, WHY NOT ME?!
Then it's NOW your time to command the love and wealth that you DESERVE...
Join me for an inspiring and eye-opening journey in the...
The Love & Money Master Training Replay!
✨In this Master Training, we discuss:
💡The energetic dynamics of love & money and how they combine to f*ck you over time and again.
💡Uncovering your core limiting beliefs around love & money and why they trigger you... and what to do about it.
💡Changing your current story of love & money and how they interact in your world so that you can live that enviable life.
💡Specific techniques to manifest more love & money into your life NOW!
...and more!
The Love & Money Master Training Includes:
1+hour Recording download of the Master Training
Rollin' In Dough
Ready To Open Yourself Up To Limitless Abundance?
Never live paycheck to paycheck again!
Do you believe that it IS possible to attract the abundance you desire and deserve?
Have you been feeling like everything you want is just out of reach?
Look, I get it! And I'm here to remind you that it is OKAY to desire wealth. And you know what else? You DESERVE it!
It's not enough to just script or recite affirmations.
Together we'll uncover the programming that keeps you stuck in lack and insecurity.
If you've been feeling unworthy, undeserving, and like there just isn't enough to make ends meet...
Then I present ...
Rollin' In Dough!
In this Master Training, we will discuss:
💡Raising your glass ceiling on what you think is possible for you.
💡The blocks that keep you from ALLOWING more abundance into your life.
💡How to drop the fear around finances and become a money magnet.
💡What it feels like to have a prosperity mindset.
...and more!
Includes 2+ hours Master Training Replay
Taking Massive Action
...and creating massive change!
✨How to stay in the energy of inspiration, so you do EXACTLY what you need to do to make your manifestations happen, fast and easy!
✨How to become comfortable taking action that scares you, so you can dismantle your blocks and shift into your desired reality!
✨The difference between ACTUAL inspired action vs. when you’re FORCING things to happen for you
✨How to make your triggers work FOR you, instead of against you
✨And we’ll also get DEEP into the concept of Letting Go and how you can do it without LOSING your manifestation!
This course is designed to unlock a new module each week so that you have time to absorb the information and complete the homework.
Includes a total of three different modules with over 3 hours of video of lessons with Roxy INCLUDING homework AND an album of blank meditation tracks. PLUS, access to the Taking Massive Action Community!
EPIC Meditations
Learn to have EPIC daily meditations that allow you to communicate with your Highest Self.
Are you looking for deep answers that you can't seem to find?
Have you tried guided meditations, Yoga classes, and mindfulness apps, but still can't seem to fully connect to your inner guidance system?
Are you anxious to calm your mind and create more peace in your life?
Do you believe in the benefits of meditation, but need some guidance on how to create a sustainable practice that will become your favorite part of the day?
Are you eager to expand your consciousness and traverse higher realms you've previously been unable to access?
Meditation has changed my life and continues to drive me towards greater and greater passions, giving me insight I've never found in my 3D world...
✨In this Master Training, we discuss:
💡The process I use to consistently level up my meditation practice and acquire inspiration in all areas of life.
💡How to connect with your Higher Self so that you can create a deeper, loving relationship with your inner being.
💡How to tap into your inner wisdom and receive guidance from your Spirit Guides about ANY issue.
💡How to MASTER the process of meditation, no matter your experience level.
...and more!
The EPIC Meditations Master Training Includes:
1+ Hr Master Training Replay with Roxy
A selection of exclusive Roxy Talks guided and blank meditations
Lucky Me
Create your OWN luck and become a magnet for all things MIRACULOUS!
Does it seem like everyone else is getting what YOU want?
Do you feel like no matter how hard you try, nothing ever seems to work out for you?
Have you been feeling like your life is just a series of unfortunate events?
Are your core limiting beliefs causing you to make decisions you regret?
Do you settle for less than what you deserve because you don't believe you can have more?
I get it babe and trust me, you are not alone. Before I made a conscious effort to change my own luck, I was a very discouraged and defeated person.
I realized that everyone is in COMPLETE control of their reality and we ALL have the POWER to create a life greater than anything we could fathom. I truly believe I cracked the code to manifesting, and I'm sharing the blessings in...
The Lucky ME Syndrome LIVE Master Training!
✨In this Master Training, we will discuss:
🍀 How to embody the energetic state that allows you to hack the system and manifest ANYTHING you want.
🍀How to live your life with high vibes and bring in joyful experiences all day long!
🍀 The secret to becoming a magnet for anything you desire.
🍀 Practical tools to help you cultivate the energy of luck and anchor in the feeling of having it all right NOW!
...and more!
Mental Diet 101
Level up your Mental Diet so you can manifest faster
Are You Doing All The Things But Still Not Seeing Movement With Your Manifestation?
Oftentimes, that's an indication that there are cracks in your Mental Diet. Conscious or unconscious, we are always manifesting, and since most of our thoughts are subconscious, developing a strong Mental Diet is vital when it comes to manifesting.
Be it career, relationships, health, or anything else, manifesting works better when your Mental Diet is on point. Even a tiny crack could affect your manifestation...and if you are not aware of it or don't know how to fix it, you put time and distance between you and your manifestation without meaning to.
The truth is, manifesting is easy. It's getting your thoughts on board that can be the challenge. That's why I've created this workshop, to help you really hone in on learning how to level up your Mental Diet so you can receive faster and more easeful experiences with your manifestations. When you master the art of Mental Diet, you learn to master manifestation.
Gain access to exclusive workshop recordings and learn how to master your Mental Diet directly from Roxy!
What's Included:
Become a manifestation master using Roxy's step-by-step process
Most effective practices for mastering Mental Diet
Improve your thinking patterns so you can receive your manifestations
5-HOUR replay of Live Coaching and Q&A
4 Mental Diet mp3 recordings
BONUS: Alignment Affirmations
BONUS: Download of Roxy's affirmations album, "Frequencies"
Scripting Bundle
Rewrite your life like a movie script and have it come true!
It's time to turn your life into a fairy tale using the transformative power of ink and paper. Master the art of Scripting with over four hours of content provided in this special offer!
Scripting changed my life quickly and led me to build my dream career, exercise control over my emotions, improve my relationships, attract exactly what I want in all areas of life, and stay in the mind frame of a conscious creator.
You can have these rapid results too! It's all in your mindset, and that's exactly where scripting comes in.
Scripting moves forward the process of your manifestations and can help in every area of your life. This is my #1 most cherished practice!
Enjoy this collection of scripting techniques and learn everything you need to know to begin rewriting your reality!
What you'll get:
Over 4 hours of exclusive content
Insights on how to create the world you REALLY want
A clear path to positive living and mental well-being
Lifetime access to the scripting modules from The Live Scripting Workshop, The Manifest A Specific Person Workshop, and 30 Days of Alignment for you to revisit anytime
Bundle Breakdown:
Intro: Beginners Guide to Scripting (audio recording)
Advanced Live Scripting Revision with Roxy! (audio recording)
BONUS: Scripting Module from our best-selling course, the Manifest A Specific Person Workshop!
BONUS: Scripting lesson from 30 Days of Alignment
Move The F*ck On!
Pack up the baggage and learn how to move forward
Is it time to Move the F*ck on???
Is there something (or someone) you need to get the f*ck over??
Are you feeling stuck in a situation that is no longer serving you?
Have you freed yourself physically from a circumstance that binds you energetically?
Baby, whatever that thing is that you are holding on to... it's not worth it. It's making you weak, mentally and emotionally...
..And It's preventing you from moving forward and finally manifesting what you've wanted for so long!
It would be easy just to tell you to "let go", but there is SO much more that goes into it!
We're going THROUGH the nitty gritty together to get you out of the trenches!
So, if you're asking yourself, "how do you detach from something you once wanted desperately??"
Maybe it's time to just...
Move The F*ck On!
The Move the F*ck On! Master Training Includes:
1+ Hr downloadable recording of the Master Training
Access to course material on Roxy Talks private network where you can stream on the downloadable app
Private community of peers where you can share insights and key takeaways
Pass the Test
Pass every test the universe sends you!
Become impervious to the 3D reality!
Are you sick and tired of manifesting "The Opposite"?
I know how frustrating it is to work SO HARD on your manifestations to be as positive and "high vibe" AS POSSIBLE, To let go and ALLOW the manifestations to come through...And then still see the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you want to unfold in your 3D reality.
It's exhausting and really triggering.
Frankly, you don't have time to be shaken out of the energy of your best-case scenario.
Your rock-solid confidence turns into DOUBT when this happens!...and then guess what happens? YEP!
That freaking doubt manifests and YOU stay in the energy of doubt. The issue is not that you can't manifest, Or that you're doing it wrong, Or that it's broken, Or that The Universe hasn't properly heard you, Or worse, hates you!😱
In actuality, all those negative experiences and triggers are, essentially, TESTS that you keep failing! They are opportunities The Universe is giving you to ascend into your new reality and you are turning them away.
o I present to you, PASS THE TEST! The Ultimate Training to help you not just IGNORE your 3D reality, BUT TURN YOUR NEGATIVE EXPERIENCES INTO GOLD!
💡I'm going to show you how to PASS every test The Universe gives you so you can finally receive your manifestations!
💡I'm going to explain how and why you are tested by The Universe.
💡I'm also going to explain how to handle positive AND negative tests so that you don't "mess up" your manifestation. You are going to learn everything you need to know to become impervious to what the 3D throws at you. Don't you want to become UNSTOPPABLE?
The Love & Money Master Training Includes:
1+hour Recording download of the Master Training
Access to course material on Roxy Talks private network which can be streamed over the app
Private group of peers to connect with over insights and key takeaways
The 360˚ Method
My Signature 360˚ Method will teach you to manifest your wildest dreams on autopilot.
✨Obliterate your limiting beliefs and clear the blocks holding you back from your ideal reality.
✨Rewire your brain for success in every area of life.
✨Learn how to STOP self-sabotage right in its tracks so you can finally stop recreating your old cycles and move FORWARD!
What's Included In The Program:
✨ 8 weeks of video lesson modules
✨Weekly transformational homework for each Module
✨8 Inspirational Affirmation MP3s (one 15-minute track per module)
✨Written transcripts of each module
✨LIFETIME access!
✨ AND NOW: The Brand New Module 9 LIVE Class - this is a brand new module that I will be teaching for the first time during this round of 360˚ - Be a part of History!
Join TODAY and Receive These Bonuses!:
4 Bi-Weekly Bonus Q&A Calls with Roxy!!!!
4 Bi-Weekly Accountability calls with your fellow 360˚ Fam
A Private Community with your follow 360˚ Fam
Mental Diet Workshop
Scripting Bundle
Best Day Ever album + PDFs
Star Power!
Command Attention & Dominate Your Market!
In Star Power, you'll learn how to make your audience FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU and everything you put out!
Do you dream of fame and fortune?
If so, I understand, I do too.
But do you ever stop to think about WHO you have to become in order to BE that person with THAT life?
🌟What does Beyoncé do that gives her such an edge?
🌟What about Oprah makes her so powerfully appealing?
🌟How does Taylor have such an incredibly supportive army of die-hard fans?
They choose to operate with intention, poise, and extreme determination. They act and then act then recalibrate then act again. They morph, they pivot, they grow, and we are happily along for the ride.
It’s one thing to just create a business or a brand that you can live off of. It’s another to aim for the stratosphere… a life beyond any definition of normal.
If you want a life beyond the regular.
If you want to be a household name.
If you want to dominate wherever you show up and have your name precede you, you must become more than just like everybody else.
Your time has come, with Star Power!
Star Power will show you:
Everything you need to build a massive, loyal audience who begs for your work!
What to say, what to post, how to act, how to carry yourself on and off screen, and how to create a "Youniverse" where everything you put out is irresistible to your audience.
How to reach more and more adoring fans every. single. day!
How to build genuine relationships with your fans that last a lifetime and beyond.
How to handle the pressures of widespread notoriety so you maintain the best mental, physical, and spiritual health on your journey to the top!
Now is the time to show the world what you're made of...
You are superhuman. You are a god. You are a STAR.
Your fans are waiting to adore you. Don't keep them too long!
Begin Star Power NOW
Social Media SuperStar
Your Path To Social Media Stardom!
Is this you?👉🏼...
You desire to create content that expresses your authenticity and connects you to an audience that wants to buy everything you create...
You desire a unique and simple posting strategy but you aren't sure where to start...
You'd love to find a hack for generating content inspiration so that you never run out of ideas...
You want an algorithm-proof way of building a loyal social media following that sticks with you for life!
If yes, then I invite you to imagine how would it feel to:
✨Craft killer content that makes you stand out to your ideal customer.
✨Discover your authentic voice and how to share your story in a way that positions you as the authority of your niche.
✨Optimize your posting schedule with a content strategy that helps you work more efficiently.
✨Turn your social media influence into a revenue-generating machine.
✨Transform into a confident content creator who can easily speak about your offers and feels comfortable selling them every single day.
Sounds like exactly what you've been looking for, right?
Here's what's Included:
My algorithm-proof secret formula for building an audience on any platform (including Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, and more!)
My 4-Part Uplevel Strategy for turning your social media presence from drab to fab
A Q&A REPLAY for added clarity and support (learn from colleagues questions)
Roxy Talks Content Generator ©
Roxy Talks Social Media Post Planner ©
BONUS: Exclusive Audio Training Selling On Social
BONUS: Exclusive Audio Training Fire Content
Manifest A Specific Person Workshop
Are you experiencing frustration in your love life?
Congratulations, you are finally in the right place!
If you are ready to...
✨Break down the walls of your love relationships and get exactly what you want
✨Figure out why certain love cycles keep perpetuating in your life
✨Manifest your dream relationship, no matter your circumstance
✨Reprogram your subconscious mind for better experiences
✨Receive communication and commitment from your Specific Person
✨Dissolve all blocks, so you can move forward and shine as the diamond that you are
✨Heal the past and future wounds
✨Find a new sense of joy and passion in life
✨Let go of neediness or codependency
✨Understand how to sustain peace and happiness long term
✨And upgrade your love life, once and for all...
Success is completely possible for you, no matter your situation.
I've helped thousands of people get their lives on track and manifest their ideal relationships. YOU can be next!
This is where you step into your power.
8 Illuminating Modules
Transformational Homework
Immediate access to all course material
A private Peer community for support
A whole new outlook on love and life
Exclusive Specific Person Affirmations recording
Meditation for a Happy, Healthy, Whole Relationship
Bonus Module: Third-Party Removal + Extra Homework Exercises
12 hours of private Q&A video content
The Live Specific Person Workshop RECORDING (3 hours of bonus content)
So This Is Love Album (4 tracks)
Specific Person Mini Workbook
101 Specific Person Questions & Answers Collection
The Specific Person Activity Book
Immediate access to my Love & Money Master Training Replay
30 Days of Alignment
Change your mind, change your life
Release resistance, master your manifesting power, & align with everything you want in life.
I have created this bootcamp to help you stay on track like never before!
These 30 days will help you get you into alignment with your highest self and source energy so you can achieve clarity and love with comfort and ease.
You are here to live the most awesome version of your life. Give yourself this time of focus and don't hold back!
You deserve all of the riches this world has to offer. You are so worth every ounce of goodness coming to you!
These 4 weeks will open your mind like never before.
What you'll get:
30 Days of lessons and guidance to lead you on the path of total alignment with your Highest Self
Access to a Private Peer Group (Stay on track with your peers!)
Exclusive Alignment Affirmations MP3 Download
Monetize Your Dreams Deluxe
Make Money Just By Doing What You Love...
In this Deluxe program you will learn to:
Pinpoint your passions and find the niche of customers YOU are going to serve!
Connect with the people searching for your products RIGHT NOW and learn how to be the go-to person of your genre.
Build the necessary structure for your business, so you can begin making sales right away!
Develop a product suite and various money pathways that will allow you to create micro and macro offers that your audience BEGS FOR!
Learn how to scale your offers so you can maximize your reach and income potential!
Walk away with viable revenue streams that’ll turn your ideal clients into a loyal customer base who will buy everything you put out!
What's Included In The Course:
✨8 module course that takes your business idea from seed to tree! Pinpoint your niche, create a loyal following of dedicated customers, and put your products out into the world.
✨My revenue streams tracker and money pathways planner
✨Bonus Q&A replays
✨You will also receive access to a private community for support, motivation, and accountability!
✨Instant access to several of my transformational Master Trainings including Rollin' In Dough & Lucky Me PLUS Success and Ideal Self meditations!
Confident AF
Self-Love Workshop
Are you ready to sky-rocket your confidence, and finally know what steps to take to feel and be your best?
Do you want to feel connected to your true self... the self you've been dying to embody, but feel separate from?
Are you ready to learn to assert yourself and confidently declare what you need in relationships?
Are you ready to fall in love with the way you look and feel?
Would you like to kick social anxiety to the curb!?
Are you ready to put yourself first and embody the diamond that you are?
Are you ready to let go of your inner critic, and operate from a confident standpoint?
Then Confident AF is your ticket to the bulletproof, rock-solid self-concept that will bring friends, lovers, opportunities, and more right to your door!
What you'll get:
6 illuminating lessons to help you manifest your most confident version
Immediate, lifetime access to all course material
Transformational Homework for every lesson
Bonus Module: Roxy's Exclusive Style Tips for Confidence
Bonus: Exclusive Confidence Affirmations
Bonus: Confidence Content Library
Below you will find Roxy's Monthly Membership Subscriptions. Payment recurs every month until you cancel.
Once purchased, you will receive an email with immediate access to the membership space.
Big Beautiful Dreams Club
Turn your dreams into profitable revenue streams
The Big Beautiful Dreams Club is a monthly membership of action and accountability, that gives you the steps necessary to make your talents and passions FUND YOUR DREAM LIFE!
In this membership you will achieve your astronomical results by learning how to:
Uncover your most burning passions so you can create viable revenue streams that fund your Dream Life and get your BIG ideas out into the world.
Identify, market to, and connect with your ideal, dream audience who will follow you for life and be obsessed with everything you put out.
Make actual money from shit you love to do so you can build multiple passion-led revenue streams and create the Biggest, Most Beautiful Life you can imagine!
With the right mindset and the right strategy, your Big Beautiful Dream Life is no longer just a fantasy, it's a given!
Here's What's Inside:
Quarterly Live Masterclass (June: Monetize Your Dreams)
Exclusive Monthly Q&A
Big Beautiful Game Plan - each month you'll receive a new audio recording with a new plan of action for you to implement to get FAST results.
BBD Chat Room - join your fellow BBD Fam members for a monthly accountability chat
Includes immediate access to these incredible BONUS trainings:
Put Yourself On The Pedestal: Become the STAR of your own show using radical self-love to skyrocket your self-concept 1,000,000%!
Rollin' In Dough: Become one with abundance and master the energy and frequency of manifesting lots and lots of money!
Lucky Me: Learn the secret to being LUCKY, expect life to go your way, & create incredible opportunities for yourself at every turn!
The Vault
Everything You Need to Manifest Everything You Want!
This incredible membership gives you INSTANT access to my entire body of work. That includes EVERY Roxy Talks TRAINING and so much more!
No more hoping, wishing, or trying...
Learn how to manifest faster, easier, and with more precision🎯
Imagine manifesting:
The relationship of your dreams... A partner who worships the ground you walk on... Daily foot rubs... Daily phone calls... Deep, honest commitment... True respect and devotion...
Your fulfilling career... The job you want... The dream clients you desire... The income you've been dreaming of...
Your most confident self... A rock-solid self-concept... more friends... everything working out in your favor... new opportunities coming your way frequently!
The Vault gives you the tools to create ANY reality you want so you can manifest your desires fast!
This membership grants you immediate access to every program and training the moment you sign up!
The Vault is UNBEATABLE!
OVER 100 HOURS of ground-breaking life-changing content you’ll have immediate and unlimited access to.
The Vault is for you if you are ready to stop trying and start actually creating massive shifts in your life.
This isn’t the slow lane. This isn’t for non-action-takers. This is your ticket to more fun, more abundance, more love, and more freedom.
Here are just some of the programs you'll have instant access to when you join The Vault:
✨The 360˚ Method
✨Manifest A Specific Person Workshop
✨Confident AF
✨Monetize Your Dreams Deluxe
✨Star Power
✨Social Media SuperStar
✨Put Yourself On The Pedestal
✨Lucky Me
✨EPIC Meditations
... and so much more!